Industrial-Age Practices For Hiring Erode Competitive Advantage At Your Company

Barton Professional Placement Group, Robot, Hiring

You should know, this issue is more about how robot-like hiring practices, and the industrial-age practices for hiring erode competitive advantage at your company in the long-term. A number of articles have been published on the long-term unemployed. Two of my recent favorites are: “Why HR Needs To Stop Passing Over The Long-Term Unemployed.” And, “The […]

Five Advantages Skilled Temporary Staffing Provides Over Day Labor

When comparing temporary staffing agencies, Be sure you know the difference between day labor and skilled temporary staffing. If you understand the differences, then you’ll value the advantages that skilled temporary staffing provides over day labor. There is a clear difference when considering temporary staffing for a vertical profession like nursing or software programmers that […]

Networking Practice Makes Perfect And Is Never Done

Practice Networking, Barton Professional Placement Group

It is usually the day one engages in a job search that one finds themselves thinking about “how to network.” Unfortunately, it’s at that very time that you need perfect networking skills. The only way to become a good networker is to practice. Network practice makes perfect and is never done. Combining the euphoria of […]

A Transition Plan: A True Test Of Ethics In Staffing

Last week we shared some good guidelines for choosing a temp agency. Today, it seems logical to review “Transition Planning.” This manifests as a transition plan, and is a true test of ethics in staffing when considering a new temporary staffing provider. If you have decided to transition from one staffing agency to another, it may be […]

As Winter Passes, Here Are 5 Ways to Ignite Hiring

Barton Professional Placement, Purple Squirrel

Cutting through all the numbers, economic indicators, and news sensationalism, Spring is the time to move your firm toward a competitive advantage. Yes, re-ignite hiring in order to achieve 2014 corporate goals. Whether you are bullish on the economy or not, now is the time. Outside of fall hiring to train up and prepare for […]

How To Assess A Staffing Firm And Determine If They Are Worth The Time

You get their sales email every day of the week. They have you on their social media outreach program. Clearly, they are after you. One firm may be cold calling you so often that you are considering a restraining order. How do you quickly assess a staffing firm and determine if they are worth talking […]