Get The Job You Can and Want To Do

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Be sure you are out to get the job you can and want to do.

Inc magazine wrote an article, “No, You Can’t Do That Job,” recently. There are two important things to consider from this article.

First, know that ultimately, the responsibility to select an employer and accept a position is your responsibility. Don’t get talked into a position that may not be a fit.

Second, institutions, government and commercial agencies that make their living by coaching people in transition may do a disservice to you, if they talk you into a “getting a foot in the door strategy.” Be sure that the job that gets your foot in the door is one that meets the following criteria:

  1. You can do that job.
  2. You won’t be bored with the job.
  3. You are committed to performing that job for the employer.

It’s only fair to commit to an employer that you will stay in that job for 6 to 12 months. That is fair because they are investing in you to perform that work for them, hiring, training, and other investment costs the company time and money.

They are hiring you to meet a need. If you pursue an alternate role in your second week on the job, you have not helped the company meet that need.

Foot in the door strategies must be aligned your knowledge, skills and behavior styles so that you can be effective in performing that job. Expect them to notice your commitment and reward you. Conversely, expect your employer to notice lack of commitment, and remember it. The foot in the door strategy may limit your chances for any move in the company.

As Inc. magazine writes bluntly, “No, You Can’t Do That Job.”

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