Best Practices Recruiter Metrics

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Continuing with our Best Practices Series, today’s post is a discussion on best practices recruiter metrics. Staffing agencies must manage their business through metrics and analytics like any other business. These cover finance, operations, and other performance metrics that can optimize business. Recruiter metrics are interesting for a variety of reasons.

  • As a client, you want to know your staffing agency’s metrics align to help achieve your goals.
  • As a client, you can take advantage of these metrics to choose a better staffing agency.
  • As a temporary employee, you want to position past work experience to be an attractive applicant.
  • As a temporary employee, you want to work for the best staffing agency with the best clients.
  • For a staffing agency, metrics help optimize costs and margins across a variety of business factors.
  • For a staffing agency, metrics help achieve client goals through quality temporary staff at competitive rates.

Every staffing agency has unique client qualification criteria that sometimes includes NCCI ratings (National Council on Compensation Insurance) for your type of business, a work environment safety assessment and overall risk profile, and the reputation of leadership and human resource management, among other things.

Ask your staffing agency what metrics they use to measure recruiter performance.  You might be surprised.  The response you don’t want is that recruiters are measured on “the number of resumes they send to you in the shortest amount of time.”

Things you should be hearing from your temporary staffing partner are metrics that sound like:

  1. Number of qualified applicants/candidates sent out on interviews per week / month.
  2. Feedback from clients on the quality of applicants/candidates per recruiter.
  3. Client account customer service and account management check-ins per week and month.
  4. On-site client meetings and long-term relationship building activities.
  5. Days job-order outstanding (DJO) per recruiter, per client.
  6. Turnover rates in for the number of job assignments not completed to term.
  7. Number of workers compensation claims per recruiter’s placed employees.

There is more to these metrics than these short descriptions describe. They show the kind of performance measures that exceed the basic activity-based metrics your legacy national staffing firm may use today. Activity-based metrics rarely focus on customer and client needs.

Modern staffing firms proactively break legacy through an intense focus on result-based or outcome-based metrics that have a positive impact on client success.  At Barton Staffing Solutions, our goal is to provide qualified temporary staff team members that can produce results while maintaining safety standards.

It takes a sophisticated back-office and front-office IT system to capture and report these metrics. Barton Staffing Solutions has invested in these systems, processes and people while other firms retracted and it has paid off. Call us now.  We are available to share more about how we measure our own performance in terms that help our client’s achieve their goals.

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