Good Recruiters Deliver Candidates – Great Recruiters Build Trust

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What is that special something that changes your view of staffing agencies, and what they can do for your business and be as your partner in achieving exceptional outcomes?

Good recruiters deliver candidates while truly great recruiters build trust. Building trust is a function of the culture and ethics of the agency they work for. There’s a few ways to really observe this.

  1. What roles are on the team supporting your staffing needs? Certainly there’s an account manager, closing the deal and collecting. What about the recruiter, is there an human resources specialist? Is there a business consultant? What about a safety advisor?
  2. Do you know the name of the recruiter at your preferred agency?  At many agencies, you may never know who is looking for the people you seek.
  3. Have you personally met the team in a discovery meeting? Many agencies ask for a job description on the phone, and work remotely, and you may never even meet them.
  4. Do you feel you can trust them to deliver on key business objectives, when business is good?  And, even more important, when business is down, and you really need dependability!

It’s easy to panic, look for a lower price to respond to perceived short-term financial crises. That’s human nature (or the nature of management styles from the last century). But for true value, look for the agency that is going to build trust by delivering real value to your organization, to your operation, and ultimately support your business goals.

Don’t forget – trust is a two-way street. You must give trust in return, and sometimes even give it first to build this kind of relationship with the right staffing agency. It won’t work otherwise.

If you are just getting resume’s, and that’s all you want, that’s ok.  Be clear about that. However, effective businesses are finding that building a partnership on a foundation of trust with their staffing agency delivers a true competitive advantage over those that don’t.

Great recruiters build trust. Barton Staffing Solutions has built trust for 15 years and is ready to build that foundation of trust with you – call us today.

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