Best Practices Customer-based Planning

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Continuing with our Best Practices Series, today’s post is an invitation for feedback – read to the end and become involved in a new level of Barton Staffing Solutions’ customer-based planning.

A little background. For more than 15 years, Barton Staffing Solutions has involved clients in its future planning. Phone calls and other ongoing touch points have been the norm. Primary and most demanding clients and even prospects have the best input to help drive future planning and are one of the best indicators of past performance.

Quantitative surveys can provide some numeric analysis, but lack in many ways and often our most valuable clients too busy to have time to complete them.

Hearing the message from Barton Staffing Solutions clients in their own words reflects the emotion and passion they have for doing business with us. Meeting face-to-face, or directly over the phone, we regularly ask these three questions:

  1. What are we doing effectively that earns your business over the past year?
  2. What can we do more to strengthen our business relationship?
  3. What should we do less in order to improve efficient results?

This year, this blog provides a new level of this feedback loop. We are using the blog to expand this call for input to a wider invited audience. We want to hear the answers to these three questions, directly from you.

This year, we also have a fourth question:

4.   Do you know about our direct-hire division: Barton Professional Placement Group?

Call your Barton Staffing Solutions account representative or recruiter and share your input to these four questions. We want to hear from you as we plan for 2014. If you don’t know your account representative or recruiter name, or you are a prospect, reply to with a phone number to call back, and we’ll call you.

As 2014 approaches, thank you for your business in the past, and we look forward to your input for the future and mutual success!

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