The economy heats up and you are ready to get into the temporary staffing game. There are 3 applicant essentials you need, whether you are new to temporary staffing, reentering the job market, or looking for a change from your current role. No matter where you are coming from, temporary staffing is a good place to start.
To get in the game, you need these three essentials.
- Credentials
- Visibility
- Action
More than anything, to set yourself above the average applicant, you need job application credentials. These include: a resume, your work history, references, and eligibility to work documentation. Many applicants get lucky, and find temporary positions – but to set yourself above the crowd as the first choice, prepare all your credentials ahead of time. Don’t go to your staffing agency unprepared – have this information ready when you walk in. If you are the person in the queue for that higher-paying skill-matched position you will lose out if forgot your resume, or other information. If you haven’t written your resume, do it now – it’s the perfect way to have all your information at the ready as most agencies require you fill out an application for any job.
If you have your application credentials and information, but it’s not visible, you will never be found. Of course, go to your agency of choice and let them know you are interested in work. But to maximize your opportunities, be sure to post your resume and information profile online in many places. Sites like or are good places to start. But don’t’ forget LinkedIn. Yes, There are dozens of ways to learn how to develop a easily found profile. If you can’t find one, use Google to search the keywords “How to write a linkedin profile” and you will find dozens of resources. … when you have LinkedIn mastered, look into Google+. More and more, recruiters looking for the best applicants are using these resources to find candidate – if you want to be found, you have to have a profile online.
If you prepare your job credentials, and you ensure you are visible and looking for work, you will find a job. However, it requires you also take action. Like sitting in the front row in class and raising your hand to answer a question you prepared an answer for the night before…, be prepared to immediately respond to any contact for a temporary staffing job. Response time is critical. Employers have an open position and they need the skilled person often immediately. If you take even 30 minutes to return the phone call, you may lose out. Always take the call, and if you need to excuse yourself from an awkward location do it now – the opportunity for you depends on your ability to respond to the recruiter promptly. Take action to let the opportunity know you are ready to work.
These three keys will put you in a good position to land a temporary staffing job. Barton Staffing Solutions is a great agency to start your journey. Barton Staffing Solutions is a leader in placing skilled labor, clerical and other light industrial temporary staffing jobs in greater Chicago-land. Stop into one of our offices today.