Five Ways To Know Your Staffing Firm Is The Right One

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How do you know your staffing firm or agency is right for your company? How do you know they are giving you what you need as they send over the talent you need? Explore these five ways to know your temporary staffing firm is right.

  1. History of earned trust. Ask around to your colleagues and competitors about staffing agencies. People will share thoughts over lunch about what it is like to work with their staffing agency. Look for one that focuses on helping the client deliver on your corporate objectives.
  2. Price reflects value. Clients gain by out-sourcing management and payroll of variable/seasonal workforce demands. Pay a fair value-based fee for this service and it will save your company money while improving production, quality and efficiency while reducing turnover. Skimp on cost, and you will lose both short and long-term.
  3. Fair and reliable. It’s easy in a tight economy to try to find a better deal, cut some labor costs is the short-sighted objective. Don’t let dollar wise,  pound foolish thinking throw away the relationship capital hour company has invested with the real human people at your local agency.
  4. Reputation. A great staffing firm has a well known, public and written reputation (memorialized in their service agreement). The firm you want has a written guarantee for fixing a miss-hire as soon as possible within a timeframe, at no cost to you. Of course, a mistake happens from time to time – so look for a firm with a written guarantee.
  5. Values and ethics. You know your company’s values. Partners that share the same values and ethics (the natural unforced execution of values) will ultimately deliver greater results for your firm. If it doesn’t feel right, it may not be right.

Ask your staffing firm what their business values are. If they have trouble telling you, or they change from one representative to another – ask yourself the inevitable question about the other 4 things in this list.

Barton Staffing Solutions’ values are posted on their website.

  • Listen to customers.
  • Deliver services promptly
  • Treat employees and clients professionally
  • Invoice and payroll reliably with unequalled accuracy
  • Build trusted partnerships through honesty and integrity

Let Barton Staffing Solutions show you why we are the right temporary staffing firm for you. We hope our five ways to know your staffing firm are  Call us today.

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