Goodbye Old Man Winter It Is Time For Staffing Spring Cleaning

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cleaning According to the farmers almanac, tomorrow, March 20, 2014 is the first day of Spring. Spring is time for Staffing Spring Cleaning.

Like seasons of the year, the seasons of business are unstoppable.  January and February is all about engaging the initiatives planned for the year and budgeted for the prior fall (another business season).

It’s inevitable that with corporate goal setting, one or more elements of your organizational development plan have become dusty or agreed upon changes have become delayed or lost in the shuffle.

You may not need staffing spring cleaning, but these 7 things will help review whether you might.  Over the course of 12 months, meetings, decisions, distractions, all happen, and sometimes it takes a special reminder – like this blog.

Here are things your finance, legal, safety management, and human resources partners in your company should be looking at with you as you start Staffing Spring Cleaning on the first day of spring – tomorrow!

  1. Has your staffing agency provided a copy of their current certificate of insurance for 2014? By now, they should have. If not, ask them for it, and put a deadline of a week. Don’t take chances on this one.
  2. Review your own workers compensation code with your insurance provider. What has changed? Has there been any improved processes that change your company’s risk characteristics?  You may have implemented innovation that might change your NCCI classification code and lower your rating. That may lower costs.
  3. Review your W-9 forms on file from your staffing agency. Did they give you their updated W-9 for 2014?  If not, ask them for it and put a deadline of a week. Get this in your files, as it’s not uncommon for a tax I.D. number (TIN) to have changed.
  4. Review your staffing agency contracts, are they complete? has there been any changes? Examine the emergency contact information and other details that must be current. Are safety standards outlined? It’s a good time to review those against common practice.
  5. What has your staffing agency shared with you about the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? Are they keeping you informed as the law evolves? Have you had the discussion with them about the IRS’s position on Common Law Employees? Have they clarified how they will ensure potential ACA responsibility is covered? Need to know more? See these and other articles on the American Staffing Association website – or contact Barton Staffing Solutions for a review.
  6. Has your company’s compliance policy changed? Has the executive team mandated 100% E-Verify eligibility to work in the US? Including your temporary employees? Has your staffing company confirmed that this step has been taken?
  7. Has anything else changed? Ask your supervisors if they would like something different from your staffing agency as you do Staffing Spring Cleaning. It may be time to look at the higher service levels that Barton Staffing Solutions can provide.

These are a few of the basic things that we review with our clients regularly. Staffing Spring Cleaning is a good event to ensure your year will go smoothly, and the items that should be maintained as the year changed, were updated completely and satisfactorily at your company.

Contact Barton Staffing solutions if we can help your company in any way with these areas of Staffing Spring Cleaning.  If the service level isn’t what you expect, give us a call to learn of the Barton Staffing Solutions advantage, and how that can accelerate achieving your corporate goals for 2014. Don’t wait another month – Start your Staffing Spring Cleaning today.

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