8 Reasons This Is The Number 1 Skill For Temporary Employee

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Listen I’ve seen lists like this before, and usually they are focused on a job skill that puts employees in one job or another.

After pondering this for quite some time, there truly does appear to be one universal skill that every temporary employee must develop and tune in order to maximize their career potential, short and long term.

The number 1 skill is Listening.

Keeping this skill well honed, and using it often, is the way to demonstrate how valuable you are to supervisors in your assignment.

The feedback loop to your temporary staffing agency, or employer, is quick and short. Your staffing agency will hear from clients about the “better employees,” just as they also hear about temporary employees they don’t want to return the next day.

Here’s why:

  1. The application and interview process show
  2. Employers measure how applicants measure up by observing how well they listen.
  3. If you listen, employers will know that you are likely an employee that can follow directions.
  4. Listening is an indicator of how safety-minded an applicant will be as an employee.
  5. Listening shows aptitude for learning and taking on more responsibility.
  6. More responsibility, eventually leads to higher paying assignments requiring higher skills.
  7. Listening is a skill that demonstrates you can lead others in a team.
  8. Leading others can open future team lead or supervisor job opportunities.

If you don’t have this skill, and use it well, your employer (the staffing agency) will probably have difficulty sending you out on future assignments were the ability to follow detailed instructions, demonstrate initiative and have intense attention to detail is required.

Barton Staffing Solutions hires people that want to move their career forward. If you are interested in long-term temporary employment, Barton Staffing Solutions is a great place to be. If you are an employee interested in a temporary job as a growth opportunity for your career, we want to talk to you.  Apply today.

If you are an employer that needs temporary workers in your extended workforce, Barton Staffing Solutions has the skilled resources and talent you need, when you need it. Call us today to learn about how we qualify temporary employees to serve your needs.

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