Employees come and go, and that’s to be expected, but the rate for temporary employee turnover should mimic your normal full time employee turnover.
The root cause may be internal, it may be external, it may be management, and it may be your temporary agency. Understanding the cause take effort. Jumping to conclusions will not likely fix the root caus.
For a pragmatic approach (it is different) to measuring temporary staffing turnover, in a meaningful way, see our blog “Calculating temporary Staffing Turnover – It’s Complicated,” from last September.
Other calculation methods provide a number, but don’t give a sense of meaning relative to full-time employee turnover you can take action to manage or improve.
When temporary employee turnover increases to a noticeable level above normal for your company, it’s time to ask a few questions. Something is the cause of temporary employee turnover spikes. Coincidences happen, but they are unlikely.
Here are 10 questions to ask as you diagnose temporary employee turnover to look for the cause.
- The Job. Is the job description clear so applicant, supervisor, recruiter and human resources have a common understanding?
- Selection. Are you selecting the right applicants based on that job description?
- Collaboration. Are you having a daily dialog with your staffing agency to monitor success and issues?
- Supervision. Is the spike relative to a new supervisor, or does one supervisor have higher turnover than another?
- Shift. Is turnover higher in one shift over another?
- Training. Has training (both job/task and safety training) been provided at on-boarding time?
- Feedback. Have you communicated to your staffing agency what is problematic in the people you are receiving?
- Goals. Has management set targets for supervisors in terms of turnover, training, and safety objectives?
- Wages. Is pay competitive, or is the company across the street using you to recruit their temporary employees?
- Definition. Has turnover been defined and understood as a “temporary employee completes an assignment” so that all management is measuring the same factors for a common understanding (see our blog).
Barton Staffing Solutions is available to help your company navigate and solve the ups and downs of turnover. Jumping to conclusions without additional perspective from your partners can prolong a solutions. Sometimes it can be seasonal, but every anomaly is worth looking at carefully. The end result is that it will have a negative effect on your business if you don’t; and may have a positive effect if you do. Call us today to learn more. Barton Staffing Solutions is ready to help you achieve your company’s goals through effective temporary staffing.