Great temporary staffing firms like Barton Staffing Solutions look for temporary workers with a permanent attitude. Not a bad attitude, but the same positive attitude and work behavior of a permanent employee.
Many people in temporary staffing positions placed in jobs by staffing agencies, do it as a full time career.
These long-term temporary staffing employees like the learning and challenge that comes from being at different employers and doing different jobs from assignment to assignment. There are other reasons, of course.
While some see temporary staffing as a stepping stone, or a lesser role. It is not. Temporary staffing employees are critical roles.
Businesses and companies that employ temporary workers do so as a strategic decision to ensure they can respond to the supply and demand of their industries, effectively.
If you are a temporary employee, you are a pivotal element in that employer’s strategic plan to achieve profitable results. Put yourself in the employer’s shoes and ask:
Would you hire you?
When you apply and interview for a temporary job, take it as seriously as a full-time job. Participate for success. Dress and behave like you are a full time employee.
Don’t expect an employer to hire you if you are not prepared. Just as in any career path, look inside and ask yourself if you would hire you?
Barton Staffing Solutions is always looking for temporary workers that have a permanent attitude. Search open temporary jobs on our website today, apply and be prepared for you to hire you.