OSHA Online Reporting and Staffing

The deadline for OSHA online reporting (workplace accident illnesses and injuries) is imminent. Unless there is another unlikely delay, that deadline is this Friday, December 15, 2017. OSHA is implementing a new era of efficiency and compliance accountability. How does this effect Establishments using temporary staffing services? OSHA reporting, now online, is the responsibility of […]

Staffing Applicant Rules of Engagement

Staffing Gets You Back In The Game Excellent! So, you are looking for a new job, and you have come to a temporary staffing agency to get back in the game. That’s a perfect strategy – and worth a quick review of best practices or staffing applicant rules of engagement to help you land that […]

Keep Calm Open Enrollment Is Here

It’s that time of year. And, this will be the 4th year of Open Enrollment for staffing firms offering compliant health insurance to their temporary workers under the ACA. Systems are smoother, teams know what to expect and the process will go smoothly for workers, clients and staffing agencies. Barton Staffing solutions satisfies the compliance […]

Safe Behavior At Work – Aware Avoid Act

Human nature often puts our focus on what NOT to do in order to be safe at work, or improve safe behavior. Another positive approach is to consider what TO DO and what factors require constant vigilance. Let consider these Three A’s of Safe Behavior at work. Aware Avoid Act AWARE On the job every […]

Goal-Centric Agency Staffing Metrics

Yesterday, we shared a blog about Staffing Strategic Goals. What about the Goal-Centric Agency Staffing Metrics it takes to achieve those goals? We dug in on the importance of, and how, Staffing Agencies must listen, understand and align staffing services with Client’s company goals. The blog pointed out how goals get tuned over time. And […]

Staffing Strategic Goals Identify the Goal-Centric Agency

Do you discuss Staffing Strategic Goals with your staffing agency? You should. How do you know if your staffing agency is goal centric? Read on to find out more. It’s a good time to think about during 2018 planning. When answering the question, your staffing agency should be able to frame their goals in terms […]