Give Good And Timely Feedback For Exceptional Hiring Results

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time One of the most important factors in achieving corporate goals is to have a complete team. How do you know your team is complete? When your budget for hiring is met, on schedule. This requires exceptional hiring through exceptional recruiting and timely feedback.

It is odd that if the sales team is behind on making quota for the month, the alarm sounds loud. Yet, if the company is behind on hiring to fill key hiring objectives on time, days, weeks and often months go by, without an alarm at the leadership level.

Not filling positions may feel like you are saving the company money in terms of payroll expenses. In reality, it costs company’s money as goals and milestones are missed.

Delays in hiring can affect corporate results just as much as, or greater than, missing sales quotas. Consider the affect of missing resources that support production, quality, customer service, and so on.

Corporate goals and results are dependent on having the right people on your team, when you need them, not 3 months later than when you originally budgeted the need for them.  To meet planned business objectives, the right people must be hired on-time.

Your recruiter can help you meet hiring objectives on time – in order to meet corporate results.

As a manager, you have worked with finance and received approval from management to recruit and hire. Your human resources partner has connected you with a qualified recruiter.

After your recruiter has spent days screening dozens of applicants for you, they have sent over a short-list of 3 well-qualified candidates. You have interviewed them, and they all can perform the job.

Then why delay a hiring decision?

The recruiter has called and left messages and emails. Yet, the trigger to hire is not pulled.

One of two things are likely. Either the the candidates are not a fit, or the hiring manager is not giving the feedback to ensure the next round is a better fit.

In the Barton Professional Placement Group’s assignment proposals and client agreements we have the following guidelines we work hard to help our clients to commit.

As your partner, Barton Professional Placement Group’s goal is to fill this position for you with the best available candidate. We need your cooperation and timely feedback so we can tune our effort to tightly align with your expectations. When you provide timely feedback we can fill your open position as the highest priority.  This ensures your search progresses swiftly to meet contribution objectives for the role you are hiring.

That is what recruiting and hiring is all about. Helping a client meet team contribution objectives at capacity.  Hiring to fill that position was originally budgeted for team capacity and operational objectives earlier in the year.

Filling this role is critical to not only your company’s success but also your personal, management, and leadership success in terms of your own performance and achievement of results.

For Barton Professional Placement Group, working with our clients is a partnership. We want to see timely results, so we commit to mutual timely communication between our recruiters and our points of contact.  It is critical as hiring heats up, and candidates are receiving multiple offers.

As you are ready to achieve exceptional results, call on Barton Professional Placement Group to be your partner in accelerating those results by building your team. Commit to a speedy feedback cycle, and you will achieve your own goals, too.  Above all, make the decision when you have a candidate that can perform the work – they won’t last long.

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