Set A Temporary Workforce Ratio Goal – Ideas for 2014

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As 2014 approaches, no doubt your planning meetings have been filled with idea generation, investment proposals, innovation initiatives, and other activities for the coming year. One that may not have reached the discussion table is a temporary workforce ratio goal. That is, a target goal for the ratio of temporary workers to full-time equivalent workers in your organization.

Institutions and analysts have researched the trend to businesses optimizing their operation through the use of skilled temporary workforce labor and professional temporary staff across all industries. It is in full swing, as a part of the economic recovery. If your planning doesn’t include skilled temporary labor and/or professional temporary staff, you may be at an increasing competitive disadvantage over the coming year.

The economic and financial benefits have been well documented by the ASA and other associations. The DoL and other institutions recognize this workforce increasingly with new rules and regulations to ensure worker safety and the viability of the industry.

Shouldn’t you be taking greater advantage of temporary workers and staff?  Set a goal for 2014. If you need help, to do this, just call Barton Staffing Solutions – we’re here to help you understand the benefits and define your goals aligned with your business objectives.

If you don’t set a goal, it will not happen.  If you don’t have a target ratio, one which your CFO or finance partner has a clearly defined financial performance objective that will support the company’s profit objectives, it will not happen.

Human resources team members, hiring managers, and others in your organization will fall back on what they are comfortable doing – which will ensure your goals will not be met. Set the objective, and have human resources remind every hiring manager to consider long-term temporary workers for the role. Ensure they know the value and potential benefits. This way, the goal becomes a shared responsibility across all hiring managers, not just a lofty statement at the beginning of the year.

Benefits from temporary staff and labor are clear. What is your target goal to shift the temporary workforce ratio to your financial competitive advantage? If you need help developing goals for temporary workforce planning next year, give Barton Staffing Solutions a call today.

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